People like Bear Grills are popular all over the world and there is no doubt that such people provide a great deal of entertainment to people like us. The show of Bear Grills is so popular that hardly anybody misses it. Since Bear Grills is a backpacker hence he goes to remote and distant areas of this world and shows to the audience how to survive in tough conditions. The show is enjoyed by everyone; however the reality is that the life of a backpacker is very tough. Bear grills is a popular celebrity hence we mentioned his name here, apart from him there are many other professional backpackers out there who face tough challenges in their everyday life. Some of the challenges which professional backpackers face are discussed in the headings below.
Budgeting of finances is not that difficult in normal circumstances however this budgeting becomes very difficult if we consider the life of a professional backpacker. Yes a life of a backpacker is adventurous however the truth is that backpackers live on tough budgets and they have to limit their food intake, activities and transportation as well.
Overnight stay is an issue for backpackers. They cannot spend a night in an expensive luxury hotel rather on the contrary they have to sleep in dorms or ordinary motels that are commonly seen on highways. In most of the cases backpackers prefer living in hostels however usually they end up sleeping in an 8 bed dorm room.
A professional backpacker does not travel during vacations as we do, rather on the contrary they do not have any schedule. They go to a particular country, obtain its visa and then stay in that country for months. During the stay backpackers do not go for white-collar jobs rather in most of the cases they have to earn their bread and butter by doing odd jobs like being a cashier, sweeper and other such stuff.
Language Issue
Language is another challenge which professional backpackers face. This may happen with a backpacker especially if he or she is backpacking in a country where English is not spoken. Though this provides an opportunity for backpacker to learn other languages however at the same time the situation can be challenging. Nowadays we have mobiles through which things can get translated however this alone is not enough as far as long term stay is concerned.
Being Alone
Travelling alone is not a piece of cake as a lot needs to be sacrificed. Though backpackers get used to this, however the early years of their backpacking are tough. As a beginner one gets home sick and may miss the family, friends and other close relatives. People get home sick in normal travelling, think about a person who is walking in the forest with a backpack all alone with no sleeping and toilet facility.
End Note
Being a professional backpacker is exciting however at the same time one needs to be robust mentally and physically if he or she wants to become a backpacker.

Backpacking is a wonderful activity especially if you are someone who likes to do adventurous stuff.